(2-AUDIO CD DISC SET) Syphilis Then, Lyme Disease Now


Advancing Natural Medicine 9 ~ 2010

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Dr. Murakami?s lecture will focus on the epidemiology of Lyme disease in the world, Canada and British Columbia. Various videos, illustrating the free form of the spirochete in active motion plus biofilm which protects spirochete from antibiotics and antibodies, will be shown. Methods of tick removal, such as the blister method, straw and single knot, will be explained. Some case presentations will be provided.

He will also include a summary of IV medications in his practice, with comparisons at one, two and three months, taken from a presentation given to the Federal Ministry of Health in Ottawa. Of note is the debate over 30 days antibiotic treatment at any stage (according to IDSA guidelines) as being adequate. He will also briefly discuss other studies with relevant findings such as Dr. Pat McGeer?s study of postmortem patients who had died with the diagnosis of Alzheimer?s.

In respect to treatment, he will discuss oral therapy in the first and second stage, parenteral treatment in third stage (intramuscular route, intravenous route. Also noted will be the IDSA guidelines and the unfortunate divide in the medical profession over diagnosis and treatment protocols.