James M. Hutton, NMD

02, 03 and UV Therapies for the 21st Century


AANP 2001 Convention ~ Tucson, Arizona

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Physicians will have an understanding of the clinical use and efficacy of each therapy presented in this lecture. The individual therapies delineated will be augmented by case studies and validated by lab data where appropriate. The biochemical and physiological relevance of each therapy will be addressed. ~ Oxygen in the form of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the standard of care for radiation necrosis and non-healing wounds secondary to peripheral ischemia. The medical literature validates microvascular necrosis following one radiation treatment in current cancer therapy. O3 or Ozone therapy is used widely in Europe. This talk will specifically address its use in Hepatitis and Herpes and noxious arachnid bites of the (Loxcales Reclusea) Brown Recluse. UV, UBI ultraviolet light blood irradiation, Knott technique, was developed in Seattle, Washington and used in the United States for some 40 years. This presentation will describe a brief history as well as its therapeutic efficacy in a myriad of blood born bacterial and viral illnesses.