Margaret (Meg) Chittenden

Writing the Synopsis


Bouchercon 1997 ~ Monterey, California

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(Class for Beginner or intermediate. 90 minutes) Learn to love writing a synopsis! Specific details: A brief discussion of plot. How long should a synopsis be? How should it be presented: Why it?s necessary to write a synopsis. Benefits to Participants: More and more editors are requesting a synopsis even with a finished manuscript. Often it?s possible to go to contract with a good synopsis and sample chapters. Help with thinking through your material and organizing it logically. Previous presentations: Willamette Writers Conference; Pacific Northwest Writers Conference. Additional workshops. Presenter?s Publications: How to Write Your Novel; Dead Men Don?t Dance; Dying to Sing; The Charlie Plato Mystery Series; Shadow of a Doubt; The Wainwright Secret; Beyond the Rainbow; Forever Love.