A video cookbook and field guide with field identification, exotic recipes, folklore, Amerindian and Eskimo uses, pioneer and modern pharmaceutical uses. Take a tour across North America identifying trees and shrubs. Learn folklore, folk medicine and little known health tips. Full color action video makes field identification easy. Discover unique desserts, soups and savouries made from wild berries and nuts. Cook berries and nuts with fish, shellfish, buffalo and poultry. Make loganberry sorbet, lavender pecan ice cream, blueberry omelets, berry sauces, berry mayonnaise, berry cornbread and many more berry, berry delicious recipes. Collect and prepare acorns, walnuts, chestnuts, butternuts, pine nuts, juniper berries, hazelnuts, hickory, beechnuts, there's even a section on poisonous berries. As a BONUS, see national parks, wild game, volcanoes, waterfalls - breathtaking video taken where we find the wild fruit, nuts and berries.