Jeanne M. Dams

Blueprint for a Book


Bouchercon 1997 ~ Monterey, California

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(Class for Beginners. 90 minutes) A plan to help beginning mystery writers take an idea and turn it into a real, live book. Specific Details: How to determine length; choosing a sub-genre; when & how to outline; dealing with trends; how to produce the necessary background material; revision; format; where to get help; the basics of manuscript submission. Specific Benefits: Provides participants with the basics so the idea can get on the page. Previous Presentations: South Bend Public Library, 1996; Sisters in Crime (Chicagoland Chapter) in ?95 & ?97. Medina school groups in ?96. Presenter?s Publication: The Body in the Transept; Trouble in Town Hall; Felony in Fingal?s Cave. Additional Notes I?m close enough to my beginnings to remember the first time.