(2-AUDIO CD DISC SET) Naturopathic Treatment Pearls for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis


Primary Care for Women ~ July, 2015

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  • Regular price $20.00

Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder that affects a growing number of patients. A properly functioning thyroid gland is critical for healthy metabolism, energy, digestion, mood and so much more. Dr. Alan Christianson, NMD, who authored The Complete Idiot's Guide to Thyroid Disease and Healing Hashimoto?s, will present on functional laboratory diagnosis of thyroid disorders, specifically Hashimoto?s thyroiditis. He will also review comprehensive treatment strategies that work to resolve patient symptoms and address the underlying cause for Hashimoto?s thyroiditis. Case studies will also demonstrate the naturopathic management of hypothyroidism. Confusions and controversies will be addressed including iodine supplementation, lab values reference ranges, the relationship between TSH and free hormone levels and the role of HPA axis and thyroid disorders.