
The Complete 2011 NWNPC Convention in MP3 on a USB Thumb Drive


Northwest Naturopathic Physicians' 55th Annual Convention ~ 2011

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  • Regular price $105.00

Theme: "The Heart of Naturopathic Medicine"

We are privileged to announce that our keynotes include Dr. Alan Gaby, who recently completed his clinical nutrition textbook, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, and CBC broadcaster and author Dr. Brian Goldman. Many other excellent speakers on varous topics round out the weekend.


One advantage in offering conference recordings on USB drives is that they are compact, about the size of a tube of lipstick. They can hold a large number of lectures, over 100 hours if needed. AND, they are quickly produced. Just plug the drive into a USB port on your computer. As long as it has audio function, such as Windows Media Player or RealPlayer, you can listen to lectures using your computer?s speakers. Or, transfer the audio files from your computer to your iPod or similar personal listening device. Many newer car radios now have USB ports which you can use to play your recordings from Tree Farm during your commute.