DESCRIPTION: An evidence-based presentation on how to optimize cognitive function will be presented, which will include lifestyle modification, nutrition, botanicals, homeopathy, energy med techniques, treating allergies, toxins, mind body tech, NeuroFeedback, and brain training software programs. Also, given certain situations, such as inattention, memory deficits, anger, depression, sensory processing deficits, social skill deficits, difficulties with reading comprehension, etc., lab tests and therapies will be discussed.
1. Attendee will expand their differential when considering treatment of psychological dysfunction (inattention, memory deficits, cognitive deficits, etc).
2. Attendee will increase the number of therapeutic choices they can offer the patient for treatment of cognitive dysfunction.
3. Attendee will lessen prejudice against patients who have cognitive dysfunction; the focus can shift from blame of the patient for their inability to be on time, for their difficulties with organizational skills/messiness, for their difficulties with understanding or remembering instructions or household chores, for their inability to turn in homework, to getting the patient tested and treated.
4. Attendee will appreciate that improving cognitive function can significantly enhance quality of life.