In this presentation, Dr. Aagenes will first develop a survey of practice considerations to help new practitioners think through many aspects of practice. The survey will be available to participants prior to the convention. Those interested can begin to think this through before coming.
Second, this presentation will allow new doctors to bring their concerns, frustrations and success to share with each other and with the speaker.
The format will be very interactive. This is a seminar designed for first and second year doctors who are already in practice.
Marketing thoughts, bookkeeping methods, hiring and supervising employees, organizing and purchasing a beginning pharmacy, developing referral relationships with other practitioners, including relationships with other naturopathic doctors, picking lab services, problem patients, recall systems, focusing continuing education, relationship with a local hospital, plugging into local politics, mistakes - what to do then. Insurance. Executive coaches, ad agencies, practice consultants - when might outside help be worth it? Continuing education as a way of building relationships.