Nigel Plummer, PhD

New Emerging Infectious Diseases: The Biggest Threat of the New Millennium?


AANP 1999 Convention ~ Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

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Seroyal is pleased to sponsor Dr. Nigel Plummer, a leading specialist in probiotics, in this special lecture created exclusively for practitioners. This lecture will axamine the current status and future problems of emerging disease, the rapeidly increasing resistance of known pathogens to antibiotics, and the effect that the gastrointestinal tract has on the immune system. The presentation includes a synopsis of the new clinical research conducted by the author on the effects of probiotics on patients with Helicobactor infection, and the use of new preparations of natural antimicrobials and probiotics to prevent mucosal candidiasis. Components of the normal flora which have been used to effect the outcome of chronic and emerging dysbiosis are discussed. Guidelines for the successful use of probiotic products are presented