Netta Zeberoff, MH, RHP

Making Healing Salves at Home


Dominion Herbal College ~ 29th Annual International Herbal Seminar ~ 2000

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Most demonstration classes do not make good audio recordings because they are too visual. This 90-minute cassette is an exception. You never have to guess what is going on or wait through long silent pauses while the instructor is demonstrating. This audio recording of a class on creating healing salves using arnica and plantain will talk you through the step-by-step process of salve making. These salves are used for those suffering aches, pains or sprains. Netta Zeberoff, one of the most experienced teachers showing techniques in the home preparation of herbs. Even if you have Netta's video on "Making Herbal Salves," you will learn new information here. So, if you want a good audio instruction tape, packed with helpful hints and stories, this recording is the one you want.