Robert Rountree, MD, RH, (AHG)

INTENSIVE: The Pathophysiology of the Inflammatory Process and How to Modulate it with Natural Substances (2-Cassette Session)


American Herbalists Guild 2004 Symposium ~ Waterville Valley, New Hampshire

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Inflammation is the body?s immunological response to injury. As an acute, self-limited process, it is essential to healing. However, when it becomes

chronic it can cause or amplify a wide range of seemingly unrelated diseases. Conventional treatments typically focus on using potent pharmaceutical

agents to block one or two steps in the biochemical cascade that produces inflammatory mediators. In many situations, a combination of nutraceuti-cals and botanicals can accomplish the same goal without the negative side effects created by pharmaceuticals. This intensive will explore the patho-physiology of the inflammatory process in detail, and compare and contrast the effects of pharmaceuticals, biologically active nutrients and herbal medi-cines in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease.