Donald R. Yance, Jr., CN, MH, RH (AHG)

INTENSIVE: Innovative Herbal Therapies for Cancer: An Overview of Clinical Evaluation and Implementation (2-Cassette Session)


American Herbalists Guild 2003 Symposium ~ Albuquerque, New Mexico

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  • Regular price $17.00

Learn to assess the person with cancer using a Trinitarian model: taking into view the energetics of the person; the energetics of the cancer; and exogenous factors. Gain an understanding of the interconnected relationships within the uniqueness of each individual by emphasizing a holistic, integrated approach. In this workshop Donnie will detail some of the herbs he most often uses in treatment plans-from herbal adatogens to specific cytotoxic herbs-as well as strategies to formulate a treatment plan implementing herbs, nutrition and lifestyle changes. He will also look at the treatment of late-stage cancer, addressing cancer related cachexia (CRC) and cancer-related pain with herbal and nutritional medicine.