Biologically active growth factors (GFs) such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and human growth hormone (hGH) are ideal molecules for integrative medicines. IGF-1 and hGH are drugs that can encompass the best of molecular biotechnology with homeopathy to produce safe, affordable, well-characterized effects on DAN transcription and translation. Two homeopathic provings and three double-blind placebo controlled clinical studies on healthy people demonstrated safe, statistically significant results. Homeopathic IGF-1 was found significant in treating depression, and impacted blood glucose levels, erythrocyte-sedimentation rates (ESR), while being curative to symptoms of PMS/menopause. Additionally homeopathic IGF-1 increased energy, mental clarity, respiratory conditions, blood chemistry related to kidney function, and lean mass. Homeopathic hGH was found to have statistically signigicant benefits in terms of weight loss, lean mass gain, and changes in body shape around the hips, chest and upper arm in comparison to placebo.