Madhukar Misra, M.D., Presiding
Quality Steps in Dialysis Therapies - Gary Warns (Gambro)
Cost Benefit of Electronic Medical Records in Care of Dialysis Patients - Victor E. Pollak, M.D. (MIQS)
1-84 PTH (CAP) & 7-84 PTH (CIP) Measurements for Dialysis Patients - From Advanced Assay Methodology to Improved Clinical Outcome - Thomas L. Cantor (Scantibodies)
The Emerging Role of Subcutaneous Vascular Access Devices for HD Access - John Moran, M.D. (VASCA)
Novel Approaches to Dialysis Catheter Design - Barbara Bell, MS (Boston Scientific)
An Overview of the NKF Practice Recommendations (and supporting clinical studies) for the Use of L-Carnitine in Dialysis - Related Carnitine Disorders - Craig Langman, M.D. (Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals)
The Dialog? Diapact CRRT System - Pete Wells (Braun Medical Inc.)
Improving Outcomes Using Blood Volume Monitoring - Steven S. Guest, M.D. (Hemametrics)