T. Michael Culp, MA, ND

Functional Endocrinology Evolution and Unhealthy Aging


AANP 2002 Convention ~ Salt Lake City, Utah

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This presentation will offer a comprehensive overview of the evolutionary development of critical components of our endocrine system, discuss laboratory assessment options and provide simple therapeutic intervention strategies to reverse the ravages of unhealthy aging. By the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to:

ú Understand the prevalence as well as the clinical and public health significance of chronic diseases associated with hormone imbalances and unhealthy aging

ú Navigate the often complex interrelationships of hormone regulation in maintaining homeostasis and preserving function as we age

ú Gain insight into the known genetic, dietary, lifestyle, endocrine and immune vectors contributing to the unhealthy aging

ú Review the most advanced clinical diagnostic testing for the early assessment of multiple, interrelated endocrine imbalances associated with the unhealthy again and its increased morbidity and mortality

ú Appreciate the importance of clinical laboratory assessment of hormones in designing healthy-aging programs for our patients

ú Apply comprehensive yet simple therapeutic regimens to correct hormone imbalances that contribute to unhealthy aging