Carolyn Wheat

Finding Your Voice (2-Tape Extended Session)


Bouchercon 1997 ~ Monterey, California

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(Class for All levels. 90 minutes) This workshop deals with the matter of style. Specific details: The first pages of books written by several popular mystery/suspense writers will be read and their prose examined in depth. (We might do our own written first paragraph, if there is time.) Specific benefits: Increased awareness of the way language choice brings the reader into the story; how this establishes a sense of place and character, as well as the importance of the first page in hooking the reader. Previous presentations: Book Passage Mystery Conference in Marin County; at the Oklahoma City Writer?s Federation; Bare Bones in San Diego. Presenter?s Publications: Mean Streak; Fresh Kills; Where Nobody Dies; Dead Man?s Thoughts; article on style for Mystery Writer?s Handbook, short stories