Daniel Gagnon, RH (AHG)

Complete Healing Circle for the Immune System


American Herbalists Guild 2003 Symposium ~ Albuquerque, New Mexico

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Explore the six stages of restoring or keeping the immune system in healthy condition. The six stages reviewed are: 1) Preempt with long-term immune tonics, 2) Boost your immune system with quick-acting tonics, 3) Alert on the first day of a cold or flu, 4) Outwit the third, fourth day and beyond cold or flu, 5) Resolve lingering respiratory infections, and 6) Cleanse the lymphatic system. Medicinal mushrooms, Astragalus, Schisandra, Echinacea, Elderberry, Goldenseal, Usnea, Hops, Red root and Ocotillo are examined.