Vasant Lad, BAMS, MASc

Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine, Part I & II (2-Tape Set)


Pacific Northwest Herbal Symposium ~ 1999

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Advanced Class (3.0 hr): Part I: An introduction to concepts of Ayurvedic pharmaxology: rasa (taste), virya (energy), vipak (post-digestive effect), jatharagni (digestive fire), dhatuagni (metabolic fire), herbal: actions, vehicles, routes and targets. Dr. Lad briefly discusses methods of preparation and administration.

Part II: Apply concepts from Part I to some common Ayurvedic herbs, actions, medicinal uses: guggula, ashwagandha, shatavari, arjun, ginger, punarnava, vidhari, black pepper, pippali, brahmi and jatamamsi.