
All 2005 AHG Symposium Lectures on Audio Cassettes in Two Free Storage Albums (NOT INCLUDING INTENSIVES OR WOMEN'S HERBAL TRACK)



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"Treating Chronic Illness With Herbal Medicine"

Chronic illness can have debilitating effects on peoples? lifestyles, work life, family, and sense of wellbeing. So many chronic illnesses are on the rise, and western conventional medicine has only limited solutions to offer for most, leaving many to suffer with conditions or dependent on long-term use of medications. In contrast, herbal medicines offer highly safe and effective treatments for many chronic conditions, for example, sleep disorders, chronic pain, mild to moderate mood disorders, and for the treatment and prevention of more serious conditions such as cardiovascular and autoimmune problems. Join us for the 16th Annual AHG Symposium as we turn our attention to herbal medicines for the treatment of chronic disease. In addition, this conference offers a special track on Women?s Herbal Medicine, for those wanting to focus on the acute and chronic conditions that women face throughout their life cycles.