Our closing speaker is Walter J. Crinnion, ND, well-known for his expertise and skill in relating the nuances of heavy-metal detoxification protocols.
Dr. Crinnion will be sharing some very exciting research regarding the use of botanical agents in reducing the total body burden of fat-soluble
pollutants (e.g., PCBs and DDT). Dr. Crinnion received his naturopathic degree from Bastyr University in 1982. He developed a specialty in environmental medicine and operated a comprehensive cleansing center in the Seattle area for twenty years. He specializes in environmental medicine and uses several types of treatments in treating patients, including IV therapy, hydrotherapy, and botanicals. In addition to directing SCNM?s Environmental Medicine Center of Excellence, he is an adjunct faculty member at NCNM, Bastyr University, and the University of Bridgeport, teaching environmental medicine at all four of the naturopathic medical schools in the US.