Overwhelmed because you don’t know what to eat and when to eat and then what diet you need to be on? Feel like you are doing all the right things but still nothing works? Anxious and weary with trying diets, cleanses, supplements and still not feeling any better? This class talks about how we can come back into our bodies by trusting and loving and honoring how we feel. Rather than focusing on diet we will talk about how we digest and how this manifests in our relationship with self-trust. We will talk about how modern medicine has distanced us from believing in our intuition so that we need to be told how to look and feel. In this class, we will have fun garbling some local herbs and preparing some easy herbal digestives while understanding what part they play in the digestive system. By using the local herbs of our landscapes we empower our ability to reach out and take care of our needs beyond pharmaceuticals, supplements and financial constraints. As we practice over hands-on medicine making, we reacquaint ourselves with our feelings and needs as well as greatly improve our digestive abilities in this challenging food climate.