Chanchal F. Cabrera, MSc, MNIMH, RH (AHG)

Polysaccharides and Mucilage: The Healing Power of Slime


NorthWest Herb Symposium ~ 2017

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These large and complex sugars impart very specific healing properties to the plants they occur in such as cooling, soothing, calming, and classically vulnerary. They include herbs as diverse as oats and kelp, mushrooms and mullein. They may be used in conditions as different as immune regulation, tonic constipation, eczema and bronchitis. Understanding the chemistry and constitution (energetics) of these herbs is the key to using them correctly.

Learning Objectives:

1) Identify the texture, taste and appearance of mucilage

2) Understand the basic biochemistry and pharmacology of polysaccharides and mucilage

3) Describe the use of soothing expectorants and osmotic diuretics

4) Differentiate between demulcents and emollients

5) Understand how specific sugars in plants can support immune functions

6) Define dietary fiber and discuss its clinical significance in constipation, cholesterol and diabetes

7) Name the active constituents and clinical uses of medicinal mushrooms