William Lee Cowden, MD

(2-AUDIO CD DISC SET) Detoxification: The Path to Youthfulness


International Congress of BioEnergetic Medicine ~ 11th Annual

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There are many causes of accelerated aging in humans, but probably, the two most significant are poor nutrition and progressive accumulation in the human body of toxins. Environmental toxins are ever-increasing, including mercury from dental amalgams, various heavy metals from burning of coal, pesticides, herbicides, petroleum byproducts, phalates from plastics, aflatoxins in the air produced by fungi and many others. Also, because of poor diet, excessive chronic stress and indiscriminate use of antibiotics, many people have constipation, toxic bowel and resultant auto-toxicity of the brain, liver, and other vital organs. Probably the most significant nutritional deficiency in Americans is pure drinking water. Many Americans think coffee and sodas substitute for drinking water but these drinks do not hydrate the cells or detoxify cellular toxins. In addition, the coffee and sodas deplete body stores of minerals and vitamins which are essential for cellular metabolism. As cellular toxins accumulate, the person becomes older physiologically than chronologically (they look, act, and feel older than their age by birth date). As the body is detoxified, the person becomes physiologically much younger. Good nutrition is an essential part of this detoxification.

During the presentation, case examples will be presented, demonstrating the effect of detoxification on physiological age and chronic disease reversal. The presentation will describe in some detail the detoxification methods that the presenter uses in practice so that the attendees may apply them in their own health, the health of loved ones and the health of their patients. Special emphasis will be given to a novel detoxification process co-developed by and routinely used by the presenter which employs a red, low-powered cold laser and/or an oscillating, infrared, light-emitting diode-cluster to deliver into the patient?s body the energies of homeopathically-diluted toxins.