Tim Blakley

Herb Quality


HerbFest 2000

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What is the quality of the herbs you buy? Are you getting what you pay for? Tim Blakley answers these questions in a presentation about quality issues. Today, herbs come from three different sources: wildcrafting, commercial farms or certified organic farms. Wildcrafting is simply the process of harvesting a plant from a non-cultivated source. This means it could be picked along a road, in a drainage ditch, a farm field, in the woods or next to a chemical plant. A commercial farm is one in which chemicals can and are usually used on the crops in some way. Certified organic farms follow strict regulations which support sustainable farming without the use of harmful chemicals. For more details on this presentation go to the following URL: http://www.frontiercoop.com/Frontier/HerbFest/2000Seminar/2000Quality.html